Friday, June 26, 2009

My Symptoms

I wanted to share my symptoms, since everyone experiences this disease in different ways. First of all, I have Systemic Mastocytosis with the c-kit mutation D816V. I both shock and leak.

About 10 years ago, my husband and I were traveling from Texas to Michigan. It was a warm summer day, and we were pushing ourselves to go as far as possible so that we would make the trip in 2 days, and not have to stay in a motel.

The second day of our trip, we had eaten breakfast over an hour before, and were driving through rural Illinois. All of the sudden I had a very urgent need to use the bathroom. I had a lot of cramping and thought I was going to have an accident. My husband pulled over at the next gas station and I ran into the restroom.

I got into the restroom and started going when I suddenly became very hot, had tunnel vision and became dizzy. The next thing I remember was laying on the floor and I had the sensation that I was floating up and out of my body. Someone asked me who I was with and I weakly told the woman that my husband was in the car. I again became unconscious.

The next thing I remember was this awful smell, and a man yelling my name in my ear, trying to get a response. I wanted him to leave me alone. He continued putting the smelling salts under my nose and insisting that I respond to him. When I came to, I was laying in a pool of diarrhea. The two paramedics and my husband attempted to clean me off and put me on a stretcher and took me to the ambulance.

In the ambulance, the other paramedic, who happened to be his wife, attempted to take my blood pressure and could not get a reading. She then attempted to put in an I.V., but could not get a vein to put it in.

At the hospital, they did a cat scan and tested for me to see if I had had a heart attack. When they found nothing wrong, the doctor concluded that I got dizzy from the diarrhea. She gave me some immodium, and sent me on my way.

That was the first of many full scale attacks I have experienced. I have been tested for many different diseases and syndromes. It wasn't until February of 2008, that my episode included full body hives, that my husband and I made a connection that I was having some kind of allergic reaction, which turned out to be anaphylaxis.

When I am in the midst of an anaphylactic episode, I may have all or some of the following symptoms: massive diarrhea, abdominal cramping, a feeling of doom, tunnel vision, white noise in my ears, vomiting, inability to breathe, sweating, heat intolerance, hives, itchy skin, wanting to remove jewelry and clothing, irritability, very low blood pressure, dizziness and passing out.

When I am "leaking" I may have the following symptoms: pain in my thigh bones, upper arm bones and sometimes my breastbone, itchiness, irritability, stomach cramps, stomach feels raw inside, extreme fatigue, hives, post nasal drip, low blood pressure and a general feeling of yuckiness. My leaking sometimes leads to an anaphylaxis episode, but not always.

To combat all these symptoms I take xyzal, xyflo, allegra, pepcid, gastrocrom and flonase. When I am having an episode, I take benedryl and epinephrine. I shock so often that to cut down on drug costs, I have learned to give myself injections. I carry a bottle of epinephrine and syringes to give myself injections. I carry the epipen for times that I am too far gone or not able to go someplace that is private.

I hope this helps some of you out there that are looking for answers, or wondering if others have experienced the same things. Mastocytosis is a humiliating disease.


  1. Francie,

    My attacks are just like yours. I also carry high potency Benadryl shots to counter the attack. I only use the epi as a last resort I also have oxygen at home to help me breathe. You described the episodes precisely how I experience them. I’ve been attack free now for 3 years. (knock on wood) Don’t take this wrong because I do not wish this awful disease on anyone but it’s comforting to know someone else understands what I’ve been living through for the past 13 years and to top it off you are from South Texas like myself.

    I hope you are well,

  2. Francie,
    I was just diagnosed with mastocytosis in March of this year but the symptoms that you describe are the same as mine. I had basically the same episode that you had. About 9 yrs ago I passed out after having stomach pains in the middle of the night. I was found on the bathroom floor in a puddle of diarrhea and my boyfriend could not bring me to. I did not wake until I was in the hospital. I think this was the onset of masto. After the initial episode I had several more episodes. I did not display the rash until last year but the other syptoms were there. No one put it together until a positive skin biopsy. As Kevin said above I am glad to know I am not alone in my disease. At times I feel very alone because no one knows what mastocytosis is or what you are going through. Thank you for blogging about your disease.

  3. Hi Everyone:

    I am having a hard time trying to figure out what took so long to find out what the heck was/is making me feel so horrible of over 30 yrs. It is a moment by moment remembering attacks, as I have always called them, that have made me feel so sick. It has become a "normal" part of my life and learning to deal with it, the pain and sudden attacks, being strong and just doing my labor pain I am trying to learn the real terminology from what I have called them in my head for years. "episodes", "anaphylaxis" "leaking". I am still trying to grasp the fact that I have systemic mastocytosis. Kinda like a "Twilight Zone" eps. I just wanna scream to everyone, "see, I wasn't lying, I really didn't feel good" I feel like such a complainer, so I just hid my pain, breath thru it, cuz I know eventually it will pass. I never knew that the stomach aches, body aches, and probably so much more I have not even put together yet, were all associated. I have a lot of "ah ha" moments. I say to my mom, "remember in 83 when I was barfing after a nice dinner of Sherried Beef with mushroom sauce?" One of millions of these little memories. It was so horrible and I was down for the count for a few days that you just can't forget all those misorable times, waiting for it to pass.. there have been so many, just attributed it to IBS, or something I ate, and NEVER put my dots in the equation. Wow, really, I have a disease.. why couldn't any MO FO Dr. figure this out like maybe 30 yrs ago , they all shrugged, and said "hmmm" and moved on. I could of avoided a lifetime without debilitating pain of many sorts.. dang it.. but now I know, I am 43 now, 3 kids, married 20 yrs.. what the heck? Anyway, thank you for posting and helping me find you guys. Heard we are a pretty rare group. Good luck to all of you and hope you feel better. Now I have to start taking a butt load of pills, urgh, I HATE pills.. and food? What? I can't eat basically food.. I need a list of what I CAN eat, not can't.. that list is too depressing. This sucks!
    Much Happiness and Peace and No Pain!
    There I go again... Thanks for posting.
